Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Resize Multiple Image Ubuntu

If you have many big size image and want to resize into smaller size, you can resize all image with just 1 command in terminal. This tutorial take example if you have many image with .JPG extension and you want to resize 25% of the original dimension

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Create Virtual Host Apache Ubuntu

Virtual host make a server can handle many domain on it. To make virtual host on apache, follow steps below. This tutorial needs prerequisite an apache installed.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

How To Check TUN/TAP or PPP is Enabled

To check if TUN/TAP is enabled on your server, type this
cat /dev/net/tun
If the result is
cat: /dev/net/tun: File descriptor in bad state
your module has been enabled on your server.

To check if PPP is enabled, do this
cat /dev/ppp
if you receive message
cat: /dev/ppp: No such device or address
the module has been enabled successfully.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Fix Owncloud High CPU Usage Ubuntu

Owncloud is the best free cloud storage software that can be installed on your server for now. But there are some bugs. The most annoying bug is owncloud client use about 50% of your cpu usage. To fix this, I just use a little tricky step, using little program named cpulimit. That program can limit cpu usage used by background program

Install squid33 in FreeBSD 9.2

  1. Add package squid33
  2. pkg_add -r squid33
  3. Masuk ke directory squid
  4. cd /usr/ports/www/squid33 
  5. Compile and choose some option that fit with your requirement
  6. make install clean
  7. You can edit your squid configuration in /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf
  8. Make squid cache
  9. squid -z
  10. Insert squid to system boot. Open /etc/rc.conf and add squid_enable="YES"
  11. Start your squid
  12. service squid start


Force Using https Instead of http Ubuntu 14.04

The main idea for this forcing is redirect your http://yourdomain.com to https://yourdomain.com. This tutorial use apache web server. To do this, follow this step:
  1. Open your web server configuration
  2. nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
  3. Add this line before </VirtualHost>
  4. Redirect permanent / https://yourdomain.com
  5. Save and restart your apache
  6. service apache2 restart


Install Comodo SSL Ke Apache Ubuntu 14.04

Sekilas tentang SSL
Istilah gampangnya adalah SSL memungkinkan kita untuk mengubah akses ke website dari http menjadi https. Keungguan https adalah adanya enkripsi dari komputer kita ke web server. Kalo mengirim password tanpa https, maka password akan dapat dengan mudah dibaca, sedangkan kalo pake https, maka semua data yang dikirim ataupun yang diterima akan di enkripsi, sehingga tidak mudah untuk disadap. Untuk tutorial kali ini, apache web server harus sudah terinstall dan IP yang digunakan adalah IP global yang static.

Hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk memasang ComodoSSL adalah sebagai berikut: