Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Uninstall or Remove WPS / Kingsoft Office

Untuk versi 8.10:
sudo apt-get purge wps-office

Untuk versi 9.10:
Sudo apt-get purge kingsoft-office

source: Remove

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Menghapus, Meremove, Uninstall Tuxcut Ubuntu

Saat artikel ini ditulis, Tuxcut belum masuk dalam repository ubuntu. Di software center juga belum ada. Di beberapa artikel ada yang mencoba untuk menggunakan apt-get remove yang ada hanyalah package yang eror. Bagaimana cara menghapusnya? Simak langkah di bawah ini.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tidak Bisa Menulis Ke Harddisk Ext4

Pernahkah ada yang baru saja memformat harddisknya dengan format ext4 dengan tujuan untuk menyimpan data? Namun apa yang terjadi setelah itu? Kita palah tidak bisa mengcopy file ke dalam partisi tersebut. Bagaimana cara mengatasinya?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Fix Error Wingdings 1, Wingdings 2, Wingdings 3, MT Extra Ms. Office Font WPS Kingsoft

If you get an font error when you launch wps office, just follow these steps:
  1. Download missing font from "ms-truetype"
  2. Extract the content.
  3. sudo mv ms-truetype/ /usr/share/fonts/
  4. Relaunch your office :D
Give me a comment if you fail do the step above :D

Install WPS Kingsoft "Office Microsoft Office Clone" Ubuntu

Hey guys, there is a Office application that very similar to Ms. Office. Its name is WPS Office or also called Kingsoft Office. Here is the screenshoot.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Connect Nexus And Other Android Device Via MTP Support In KDE


Confusing how to transfer file from your android device? Connecting it to computer based on KDE desktop but it doesn't appear? Try using MTP protocol :D
  • sudo apt-add-repository ppa:philschmidt/ppa-kio-mtp-daily
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install kio-mtp
Then just plug your Android device and open it with dolphin in Network > MTP Devices.

 Note: You can't make a folder in your Android devices. So you must make a folder first from your android, and then copy the file you want to it.

Tested on Kubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 with Nexus 7 device. In Kubuntu 13.04 there is an issue that MTP will be added in dolphin, so you are not necessary to install kio-mtp again :D

    Tuesday, March 26, 2013

    The Software Process

              Software Process is a frameworks for the activities, actions, and tasks that are required to build high quality software.

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    Software Engineering - Overview

    Software engineering
    • The economies of ALL developed nations are dependent on software.
    • More and more systems are software controlled
    • Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development. Expenditure on software represents a significant fraction of GNP in all developed countries

    Saturday, March 16, 2013

    Database Management System [DBMS] Architecture

    Database Management System (DBMS) Architecture is a way how a database accessed by us. There are many DBMS Architecture, from the simplest architecture until the most modern architecture. Some kinds of them are:
    1. Teleprocessing
    2. File-Server Architecture
    3. Two-Tier Client-Server Architecture
    4. Three-Tier Client-Server Architecture
    5. N-Tier Architecture
    6. Peer-to-Peer Architecture
    7. Distributed DBMS
    8. Service-Oriented Architecture
    9. Cloud Architecture
    10. And so on

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    Installing and Removing Netbeans 7.3 in Ubuntu Via PPA

     Installing and Removing Netbeans 7.3 in Ubuntu Via PPA

    Monday, March 4, 2013

    Convert Audio, Video, Image and Document Files in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/11.10/11.04/10.04/13.04/ Linux Mint 14/13/12 with FF-Multi Converter

    Install FF-Multi Converter in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal/Ubuntu 12.04 Precise/Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric/Ubuntu 11.04/10.04/Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/Linux Mint 14/13/12

    FF-Multi Converter is a simple graphical application which enables you to convert audio, video, image and document files between all popular formats, using and combining other programs. It uses ffmpeg for audio/video files, unoconv for document files and PythonMagick library for image file conversions.
    The goal of FF Multi Converter is to gather all multimedia types in one application and provide conversions for them easily through a user-friendly interface. Extra options will be gradually added.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    Installing Libre Office 4.0 Ubuntu 12.04

    Libre Office 4.0 just has been released. If you want to install it, follow this steps :)

    Wednesday, February 13, 2013

    Installing driver NVIDIA Optimus in Ubuntu 12.04

    The first thing you must know is that NVIDIA Optimus can be installed in Ubuntu with the help of Bumblebee. The sites is in
    Let's go to install Bumblebee in your PC :D

    Fix Bumblebee After Updating Kernel Ubuntu

    Hey guys. It's a long time since my last writing :D
    Now I will discuss about bumblebee. We know that Bumblebee can be said to be nvidia optimus driver. But I get some trouble when I update my ubuntu kernel. If you get trouble too, follow this step :)